20 Random Facts About Me - 2020 Year-End Edition

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


If you have been following me on Instagram for a while, you might already know some facts about me. As we end this year, I'd like to share more not-so-fun facts about me so you can get to know the person behind this blog better. 

1. My name means a doll or a puppet moved by strings but it's totally something that my parents didn't know when they came up with my name. They are just combining their nicknames. 🎎

2. I don't drive. In the Philippines, we have all sorts of public transportations and private vehicles are oftentimes a luxury. I did get a learner's permit here in the US but my husband is now too afraid to teach me because of one little accident we had while I was behind the wheels. πŸ˜‚

3. I don't like taking medicines. If I can bear the pain, I will. πŸ’Š

4. I love crime movies, TV shows, and anime. I enjoy detectives and spy movies. 🚨

5. My superpower is that I can go on a day without eating or just eating once. Unlike many, I prefer sleeping over eating. 😴

6. I used to play guitar and write songs but now starting to have an interest in a Ukelele. 🎸

7. I am not a fan of horror movies or anything about zombies. 🧟

8. I have motion sickness. I can't read (even browse my phone) while in a moving vehicle. πŸš“

9. I don't celebrate holidays like Christmas, New Year's, and Easter due to my Bible-based beliefs. You can check out this link for more information: https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/jw-celebrate-holidays/. 🌲

10. I can always imagine what could happen in a certain situation and in a negative way. Like for example, I saw a nail poking out somewhere, my brain would immediately imagine myself getting poked in the eyes, bleeding and I can sometimes feel it. Yes, it's weird. πŸ’

11. I love giving gifts. There is truth about what Acts 20:35 in the Bible says: ‘There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.' 🎁

12. I wanted to be a band member when I was younger. I dreamed of being a lead vocalist or someone who plays the guitar or the drums. However, I don't really have the talent for it.πŸ˜†

13. I think I have grown tired of working in a company setting or working for others in general. This year, I felt so lost in what I really wanted to do. And I am still figuring things out. πŸ“΄

14. I am a graduate of Business Management and I majored in Marketing but I don't really think I have used my course that much. πŸ₯ˆ

15. I am not good with math or numbers. Thank goodness for calculators and Google. πŸ”’

16. I love babies and kids but I prefer to not have my own. People don't understand that sometimes and it's totally okay. But, if ever I get pregnant along the way of my married life, I will definitely embrace motherhood.  πŸ‘Ά

17. I am not really good at English grammar so pardon me if you see or hear me say grammatically wrong things. πŸ˜…Although English was taught in school at an early age, it is not my first language. Tagalog (Filipino) is my native language and I feel more comfortable reading and writing in that language. πŸ”–

18. My husband was my first and last boyfriend. We met on Facebook thru a common friend and the rest is history. We are celebrating 6 years of marriage soon. πŸ’“

19. I had one minor surgery once to remove fibroadenomas from my right breast but I am a pretty healthy person. I dread going to the hospitals and getting blood work done. πŸ˜–

20. If I can go back to one place aside from my hometown in the Philippines, I wanted to revisit Monterey, California. I fell in love with the place when we had our Legal Summit / Team Building in Cannery Row years back plus it is where I first met my then virtual boyfriend (now husband) in person. πŸ’¨

If you reach this far, nice to meet you! Please leave a comment with your Instagram or blog so we can connect! I hope to see you more in 2021.πŸ’—

What's one thing you'd like me to write about here on my blog? I am open to suggestions! Let's get ready for 2021!

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